
Flink works very well with Kafka if you wish to stream data. Following  is how 
I am streaming data with Kafka and Flink.

FlinkKafkaConsumer08<Event> kafkaConsumer = new 
FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>(KAFKA_AVRO_TOPIC, avroSchema, properties);
DataStream<Event> messageStream = env.addSource(kafkaConsumer);

Is there a way to do a micro batch operation on the data coming from Kafka? 
What I want to do is to reduce or aggregate the events coming from Kafka. For 
instance I am getting 40000 events per second from Kafka and what I want is to 
group 2000 events into one and send it to my microservice for further 
processing. Can I use the Flink DataSet API for this or should I go with Spark 
or some other framework?

Thanks & Regards
Zeeshan Alam

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