Thank you for helping the issue.

Those single-element-windows arrive within seconds and delay is configured
with watermark as 60000 seconds.

Following are some samples after investigated.

"processAt" was generated as follows:

           public void apply(TimeWindow timeWindow, Iterable<JSONObject>
                          Collector<JSONObject> collector) throws Exception

            DateTime startTs = new DateTime(timeWindow.getStart());

            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

            int sum = 0;
            for (Correlation value : values){
                sum += 1;
            DateTime current = new DateTime(); //joda time          
            jsonObject.put("startDate", startTs.toString());
            jsonObject.put("count", sum);
            jsonObject.put("hashCode", timeWindow.hashCode());
            jsonObject.put("processAt", current.toString());


Is there other mistake we can try to look into?


Hung Chang

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