On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Ryan Crumley <crum...@gmail.com> wrote: > Questions: > 1. Is this a viable approach? Any pitfalls to be aware of?
The major pitfall would be future migrations as outlined by Jamie. > 2. What is the correct term for this deployment mode? Single node > standalone? Local? I would say single node standalone. > 3. Will the RocksDB state backend work in a single jvm mode? Yes. One JVM will execute the regular JobManager and TaskManager code. > > 4. When the single jvm process becomes unhealthy and is restarted by > marathon will flink recover appropriately or is failure recovery a function > of HA? The checkpoint state will unfortunately get lost in this case. For this to work you have to run with HA, which requires ZooKeeper. > 5. How would I migrate the RocksDB state once I move to HA mode? Is there a > straight forward path? See Jamie's answer.