Hi Till,

Thanks, that's very helpful!
So I guess in that case, since it isn't possible to increase the job
parallelism later, it might be sensible to use say 10x the parallelism that
I need right now (even if only running on a couple of task managers) - so
that it's possible to scale the job in the future if I need to?


On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>

> Hi Josh,
> at the moment it is not possible to dynamically increase the parallelism
> of your job. The same holds true for a restarting a job from a savepoint.
> But we're currently working on exactly this. So in order to change the
> parallelism of your job, you would have to restart the job from scratch.
> Adding task managers dynamically to your running Flink cluster, is
> possible if you allocate new YARN containers and then start a TaskManager
> process manually with the current job manager address and port. You can
> either find the address and port out using the web dashboard under job
> manager configuration or you look up the .yarn-properties file which is
> stored in your temp directory on your machine. This file also contains the
> job manager address. But the easier way would be to stop your yarn session
> and then restart it with an increased number of containers. Because then,
> you wouldn't have to ship the lib directory, which might contain user code
> classes, manually.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:13 PM, Josh <jof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm running a Flink cluster as a YARN application, started by:
>> ./bin/yarn-session.sh -n 4 -jm 2048 -tm 4096 -d
>> There are 2 worker nodes, so each are allocated 2 task managers. There is
>> a stateful Flink job running on the cluster with a parallelism of 2.
>> If I now want to increase the number of worker nodes to 3, and add 2
>> extra task managers, and then increase the job parallelism, how should I do
>> this?
>> I'm using EMR, so adding an extra worker node and making it available to
>> YARN is easy to do via the AWS console. But I haven't been able to find any
>> information in Flink docs about how to resize a running Flink cluster on
>> YARN. Is it possible to resize it while the YARN application is running, or
>> do I need to stop the YARN application and redeploy the cluster? Also do I
>> need to redeploy my Flink job from a savepoint to increase its parallelism,
>> or do I do this while the job is running?
>> I tried redeploying the cluster having added a third worker node, via:
>> > yarn application -kill myflinkcluster
>> > ./bin/yarn-session.sh -n 6 -jm 2048 -tm 4096 -d
>> (note increasing the number of task managers from 4 to 6)
>> Surprisingly, this redeployed a Flink cluster with 4 task mangers (not
>> 6!) and restored my job from the last checkpoint.
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks,
>> Josh

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