
The zookeeper path is only for my persistent container, and I do use a 
different one for all my persistent containers.

The -Drecovery.mode=standalone was passed inside the    JVM_ARGS ("${JVM_ARGS} 
-Drecovery.mode=standalone  -Dyarn.properties-file.location=/tmp/flink/batch")

I've tried using -yD recovery.mode=standalone on the flink command line too, 
but it does not solve the pb; it stills use the pre-existing container.

Complete line = 
/usr/lib/flink/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 48 -ytm 8192 -yqu batch1 -ys 4 
-yD yarn.heap-cutoff-ratio=0.3 -yD akka.ask.timeout=300s -yD 
recovery.mode=standalone --class 
  -j /usr/users/datcrypt/alinz/KBR/GOS/log -c 

-Drecovery.mode=standalone -Dyarn.properties-file.location=/tmp/flink/batch


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Ufuk Celebi [mailto:u...@apache.org] 
Envoyé : lundi 6 juin 2016 14:37
À : user@flink.apache.org
Objet : Re: Yarn batch not working with standalone yarn job manager once a 
persistent, HA job manager is launched ?

Hey Arnaud,

The cause of this is probably that both jobs use the same ZooKeeper root path, 
in which case all task managers connect to the same leading job manager.

I think you forgot to the add the y in the -Drecovery.mode=standalone for the 
batch jobs, e.g.


Can you try this?

– Ufuk

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:19 PM, LINZ, Arnaud <al...@bouyguestelecom.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Flink 1.0.0. I have a persistent yarn container set (a 
> persistent flink job manager) that I use for streaming jobs ; and I 
> use the “yarn-cluster” mode to launch my batches.
> I’ve just switched “HA” mode on for my streaming persistent job 
> manager and it seems to works ; however my batches are not working any 
> longer because they now execute themselves inside the persistent 
> container (and fail because it lacks slots) and not in a separate standalone 
> job manager.
> My batch launch options:
> CONTAINER_OPTIONS="-m yarn-cluster -yn $FLINK_NBCONTAINERS -ytm 
> yarn.heap-cutoff-ratio=$FLINK_HEAP_CUTOFF_RATIO -yD akka.ask.timeout=300s"
> JVM_ARGS="${JVM_ARGS} -Drecovery.mode=standalone 
> -Dyarn.properties-file.location=/tmp/flink/batch"
> $JAR_SUPP $listArgs $ACTION
> My persistent cluster launch option :
> export FLINK_HA_OPTIONS="-Dyarn.application-attempts=10
> -Drecovery.mode=zookeeper
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.quorum=${FLINK_HA_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS}
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.path.root=${FLINK_HA_ZOOKEEPER_PATH}
> -Dstate.backend=filesystem
> -Dstate.backend.fs.checkpointdir=hdfs:///tmp/${FLINK_HA_ZOOKEEPER_PATH
> }/checkpoints 
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.storageDir=hdfs:///tmp/${FLINK_HA_ZOOKEEPER_PATH}/recovery/"
> $FLINK_DIR/yarn-session.sh 
> -Dyarn.heap-cutoff-ratio=$FLINK_HEAP_CUTOFF_RATIO
> I’ve switched back to the FLINK_HA_OPTIONS="" way of launching the 
> container for now, but I lack HA.
> Is it a (un)known bug or am I missing a magic option?
> Best regards,
> Arnaud
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