Hello Paul, If I understand correctly, your issues seem to be related to: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1502?jql=assignee%20in%20(Zentol)%20AND%20text%20~%20%22metrics%22 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1502?jql=assignee%20in%20(Zentol)%20AND%20text%20~%20%22metrics%22> and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2732?jql=assignee%20in%20(Zentol)%20AND%20text%20~%20%22metrics%22 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2732?jql=assignee%20in%20(Zentol)%20AND%20text%20~%20%22metrics%22>
If this is correct, probably Chesnay (who worked on these issues) is the right person to talk to. Kostas > On Jun 2, 2016, at 6:53 PM, Hamilton, Paul <paul.hamilto...@sap.com> wrote: > > Hi, > > We are trying to rework the way our Flink jobs (and really it becomes how the > operators within the jobs) log. Specifically we are trying to add contextual > information to the log messages so that it is easier to filter and search for > a specific jobs logs after they have been send through to our ELK stack. I > am certainly open to suggestions, and hopefully I am missing something > easier, but these were my current thoughts: > > 1) In the application and then also within individual functions that > log add the “job name” to the logging MDC in the open function so that no > matter where it is running on it can log the appropriate job name. The > problem here is that I haven’t found an easy way to get to the job name > within the RichFunction. What would be the best way to get it? > > 2) Pass the job name (and any other contextual things we want to log) > in at construction time when building the flink job to each function that > needs them. Simple, but seems kind of ugly. > > > Thoughts? > > Thanks, > > Paul Hamilton > SAP Hybris