I know exactly what to visualize. As I wrote, it is the latest result of the 
Flink job I would like to visualize. There is no need to use elastic to find it 

The data I have is of such a  nature that  they every 10 seconds could be 
written into a file, meaning that the file at all times would contain the most 
recent results (at latest 10 seconds old). I am not interested in the history, 
and therefore I should think elastic is not the best fit. So my question is if 
anyone knows of a component (Apache or other) that can make the visualization a 
little nicer than just the file :-)

----- Original meddelelse -----
> Fra: Kanstantsin Kamkou <kkam...@gmail.com>
> Til: user@flink.apache.org
> Dato: Søn, 29. maj 2016 22:42
> Emne: Re: Visualize result of Flink job
> >  I am thinking it may not be the best fit, because Elastic is by
> nature a search engine that is good for trending and stuff like that
> - not entire replacement of the current view.
> Why u think that the elasticsearch is not the right tool? To
> visualise
> something u have to find what to visualise  first, right?
> On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Palle <pa...@sport.dk> wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > I am using Flink to analyse a lot of incoming data. Every 10
> seconds it makes sense to present the analysis so far as some form
> of visualization. Every 10 seconds I therefore will replace the
> current contents of the visualization/presentation with the analysis
> result of the most recent 10 seconds.
> >
> > I was first thinking of using ElasticSearch/Kibana for this
> because I know it should be easy to set up, but I am thinking it may
> not be the best fit, because Elastic is by nature a search engine
> that is good for trending and stuff like that - not entire
> replacement of the current view. And therefore I may also experience
> difficulties implementing the view in Elastic.
> >
> > Does anyone know of any other visualization tools that work well
> with Flink? ...where it is easy to export the result of a Flink job
> to a user interface (web).
> >
> > Thanks
> > Palle

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