Hi all, I am new to Flink and have a couple of questions which I've had trouble finding answers to online. Any advice would be much appreciated!
1. What's a typical way of handling the scenario where you want to join streaming data with a (relatively) static data source? For example, if I have a stream 'orders' where each order has an 'item_id', and I want to join this stream with my database of 'items'. The database of items is mostly static (with perhaps a few new items added every day). The database can be retrieved either directly from a standard SQL database (postgres) or via a REST call. I guess one way to handle this would be to distribute the database of items with the Flink tasks, and to redeploy the entire job if the items database changes. But I think there's probably a better way to do it? 2. I'd like my Flink job to output state to a REST API. (i.e. using the REST API as a sink). Updates would be incremental, e.g. the job would output tumbling window counts which need to be added to some property on a REST resource, so I'd probably implement this as a PATCH. I haven't found much evidence that anyone else has used a REST API as a Flink sink - is there a reason why this might be a bad idea? Thanks for any advice on these, Josh