
I’ve faced a problem trying to model our platform using Flink Streams.

Let me describe our model:

// Stream of data, ex. stocks: (AAPL, 100.0), (GZMP, 100.0) etc.
val realData: DataStream[(K, V)] =  env.addSource(…)

// Stream of forecasts (same format) based on some window aggregates
val forecastedData: DataStream[(K, V)] = 

I would like to construct a stream errors, which values are just differences 
between realData stream and the latest available forecast for this key in 
forecastedData stream

// I suppose this solution does not guarantee that all realData values will 
have corresponding forecast
val errors: DataStream[(K, V)] = 

Could you give an advice on how to implement such pattern? Do I have to write 
custom windows?


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