
in our more-or-less development environment we're doing sth like that in our main method:

    val processName = name_of_our_stream
    val configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration
    val system = JobClient.startJobClientActorSystem(configuration)

    val timeout = FiniteDuration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    val gateway =
LeaderRetrievalUtils.createLeaderRetrievalService(configuration), system, timeout)
    implicit val executor = system.dispatcher
val cancelResult = gateway.ask(JobManagerMessages.getRequestRunningJobsStatus, timeout).mapTo[RunningJobsStatus].flatMap {
      case RunningJobsStatus(runningJobs) =>
        runningJobs.toList.find(_.getJobName == processName).map(job => {
gateway.ask(JobManagerMessages.CancelJob(job.getJobId), FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
    Await.result(cancelResult, FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

- this basically searches running jobs by name and cancels running one.

Doing sth similar you can trigger savepoint, but unfortunatelly I don't see easy way of telling ExecutionEnvironment you want to use it. Probably it can be done by some clever hack :)


On 04/05/2016 19:52, Hanson, Bruce wrote:
Hi all,

I’m working on using Flink to do a variety of streaming jobs that will be processing very high-volume streams. I want to be able to update a job’s software with an absolute minimum impact on the processing of the data. What I don’t understand the best way to update the software running the job. From what I gather, the way it works today is that I would have to shut down the first job, ensuring that it properly checkpoints, and then start up a new job. My concern is that this may take a relatively long time and cause problems with SLAs I may have with my users.

Does Flink provide more nuanced ways of upgrading a job’s software?

Are there folks out there that are working with this sort of problem, either within Flink or around it?

Thank you for any help, thoughts, etc. you may have.


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