Hi all, I’m running this command, on the master in an EMR cluster:
./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 25 -yjm 1024 -ytm 4096 -c <class name> <path to job jar> -planner flink -inputdir xxx Everything seems to be starting up fine, up to: All TaskManagers are connected Using the parallelism provided by the remote cluster (25). To use another parallelism, set it at the ./bin/flink client. My main class then tries to parse the passed arguments, and fails. The arguments being passed to my main() class aren’t what I expect. I get... -p lanner flink inputdir s3n://su-wikidump/wikidump-20151112/data/ <s3n://su-wikidump/wikidump-20151112/data/> It looks like Flink is trying to process all of my arguments, so -planner looks like “-p”, and -inputdir gets the ‘-‘ consumed before it realizes that there is no ‘-i<anything>’ parameter that it knows about. I was assuming that everything after the jar parameter would be sent through as is. Any ideas? Thanks, — Ken PS - this is with flink 1.0.2 -------------------------- Ken Krugler +1 530-210-6378 http://www.scaleunlimited.com <http://www.scaleunlimited.com/> custom big data solutions & training Hadoop, Cascading, Cassandra & Solr