
I am new to Flink and I've read some documentation and think Flink may fit
my scenario.

Here is my scenario:

1. Assume I have 3 streams: S1(id, name, email, action, date), S2(id, name,
email, level, date), S3(id, name, position, date).

*2. S2 always delays(hours to days, not determined..) *

3. Based on the event time, I want to join S1, S2 and S3 every 5 minutes.
The join is like a SQL join:
    select S1.name, S3.position from S1, S2, S3 where S1.id = S2.id and
S1.id = S3.id and S1.action = 'download' and S2.level = 5

Can I use Flink for my scenario? Is yes, can anyone point me to some
working examples(I found some examples but they are outdated), or tell me
some workaround to solve this problem? If no, can anyone tell me the



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