Could still be, as I described it by using a message queue to do the
communication between Flink and the front end.

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 at 17:30 Igor Berman <> wrote:

> Hi Aljoscha,
> thanks for the response
> Synchronous - in our case means that request by end-client to frontend(say
> some REST call) needs to wait until processing in backend(Flink) is done
> and should return response(e.g. alert) back to end-client(i.e. end-client
> -> frontend -> kafka-> flink)
> those request are minority and will be defined by different type of
> request to frontend or different parameters
> Might be Flink is not best option for this use case?
> Igor
> On 14 April 2016 at 16:37, Aljoscha Krettek <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> what do you mean by "synchronous". If I understood it correctly then some
>> events entering the Flink pipeline would trigger an alert while some others
>> would not trigger an alert. How would the component that receives such
>> alerts know when to wait and when to don't wait.
>>  As I see it you can push these alerts into some sort of message queue
>> and have a request in the front-end that returns as soon as something is
>> available in that queue. Then you display it and start a new query that
>> returns as soon as more data is available in the alert queue.
>> Cheers,
>> Aljoscha
>> On Thu, 7 Apr 2016 at 09:57 igor.berman <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Suppose I have web facing frontend that gets stream of events(http
>>> calls). I
>>> need to process event stream and do some aggregations over those events
>>> and
>>> write aggregated statistics to Hbase - so far Flink seems as perfect
>>> match.
>>> However in some cases event should trigger some alert and frontend needs
>>> to
>>> get this alert in synchronous way - here I'm a bit lost. I thought about
>>> some kind of following flow:
>>> frontend -> queue -> flink -> redis(pub/sub)<- frontend
>>> I.e. I have two major use cases - async aggregated analytics/stats
>>> computing
>>> and "synchronous" response to frontend. Frontend might be node/play or
>>> any
>>> other technology that won't have a problem of "waiting" for the
>>> response, so
>>> the only question - how to implement this feedback ?
>>> Might be some kind of Sink?
>>> Any ideas would be appreciated,
>>> Igor
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