
I’ve switched my Flink version from 0.10.1 to 1.0 and I have a regression in 
some  of my unit tests.

To narrow the problem, here is what I’ve figured out:

-          I use a simple Streaming application with a source defined as 
“fromElements("Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3")

-          I use a simple time window function with a 3 second window : 

-          I use an apply() function and counts the total number of elements I 
get with a global counter

With the previous version, I got all three elements because, not because they 
are  triggered under 3 seconds, but because the source ends
With the 1.0 version, I don’t get any elements, and that’s annoying because as 
the source ends the application ends even if I sleep 5 seconds after the 
execute() method.

(If I replace fromElement with fromCollection with a 10000 element list and 
Time.second(3) with Time.millisecond(1), I get a random number of elements)

Is this behavior wanted ? If yes, how do I get my last elements now ?

Best regards,


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