Hi guys, I'm running a small test with the SNAPSHOT version in order to be able to use Kafka 0.9 and I'm getting the following error:
*cannot access org.apache.flink.api.java.operators.Keys* *[ERROR] class file for org.apache.flink.api.java.operators.Keys not found* The code I'm using is as follows: *DataStream*<*String*> messageStream = env.addSource(new *FlinkKafkaConsumer09*<>("stream_test_6", new *SimpleStringSchema*(), properties)); *DataStream*<*Tuple2*<*String*, *Double*>> messageStreamObj = messageStream.map(new *MapFunction*<*String*, *Tuple2*<*String*, *Double*>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6867736771747690202L; @Override public *Tuple2*<*String*, *Double*> map(*String *value) throws *Exception *{ *JSONParser *jsonParser = new *JSONParser*(); *JSONObject *jsonObject = (*JSONObject*) jsonParser.parse(value); *JSONObject *metaData = (*JSONObject*) jsonObject.get("metadata"); return new *Tuple2*<*String*, *Double*>((*String*)metaData.get("eid"), *Double*.parseDouble((*String*)jsonObject.get("item_price"))); } }); *KeyedStream*<*Tuple2*<*String*, *Double*>,?> keyStream = messageStreamObj.keyBy(0); Maven throws the error when trying to get the KeyedStream from the DataStream. I know that this class (operator.Keys) is depreciated but I don't know why it's been used by the function keyBy(int). Also, for reference, I'm using this version: <flink.version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</flink.version> Do you have any idea why this happens?