My Flink job is doing aggregations on top of event-time based windowing
across Kafka partitions. As I have been developing and restarting it, the
state for the catch-up periods becomes unreliable -- lots of duplicate emits
for time windows already seen before, that I have to discard since my sink
can't handle it. There may be a bug in my job, but I wanted to clarify
whether this might be a flaw in Flink's handling of this.

I understand there is m:n mapping of partitions to sources depending on the
parallelism. Each source will have its own watermark. During catchup,
watermark progression can become pretty fragile, e.g. in my case where
there's n partitions and parallelism is 1.

I feel like some kind of event time alignment is needed across partitions. I
may be completely off here, so I look forward to your thoughts on this!

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