Hi David,

In theory isEndOfStream() is absolutely the right way to go for stopping data 
sources in Flink.
That its not working as expected is a bug. I have a pending pull request for 
adding a Kafka 0.9 connector, which fixes this issue as well (for all supported 
Kafka versions).

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want, you can check out the branch of the 
PR and build Flink yourself to get the fix.
I hope that I can merge the connector to master this week, then, the fix will 
be available in 1.0-SNAPSHOT as well.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 11.01.2016, at 21:39, David Kim <david....@braintreepayments.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I saw that DeserializationSchema has an API "isEndOfStream()". 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-streaming-java/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/streaming/util/serialization/DeserializationSchema.java
> Can isEndOfStream be utilized to somehow terminate a streaming flink job?
> I was under the impression that if we return "true" we can control when a 
> stream can close. The use case I had in mind was controlling when 
> unit/integration tests would terminate a flink job. We can rely on the fact 
> that a test/spec would know how many items it expects to consume and then 
> switch isEndOfStream to return true.
> Am I misunderstanding the intention for isEndOfStream? 
> I also set a breakpoint on isEndOfStream and saw that it never was hit when 
> using "FlinkKafkaConsumer082" to pass in a DeserializationSchema 
> implementation.
> Currently testing on 1.0-SNAPSHOT.
> Cheers!
> David

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