Sure. You don't need a trigger, but a WindowFunction instead of the
Only the WindowFunction has access to the Window object.

Something like this:

        .timeWindow(Time.of(WINDOW_SIZE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
        .apply(new WindowFunction<IN, OUT, KEY, TimeWindow>() {

          public void apply(KEY key, TimeWindow window, Iterable<IN> vals,
Collector<OUT> out) {
            // YOUR CODE

Best, Fabian

2015-12-10 14:41 GMT+01:00 Martin Neumann <>:

> Hi Fabian,
> thanks for your answer. Can I do the same in java using normal time
> windows (without additional trigger)?
> My current codes looks like this:
> poissHostStreams
>         .timeWindow(Time.of(WINDOW_SIZE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
>         .fold(new Tuple2<>("", new HashMap<>()), new 
> MultiValuePoissonPreProcess())
> How can I get access to the time window object in the fold function?
> cheers Martin
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> you can get the start and end time of a window from the TimeWindow object.
>> The following Scala code snippet shows how to access the window end time
>> (start time is equivalent):
>> .timeWindow(Time.minutes(5))
>> .trigger(new EarlyCountTrigger(earlyCountThreshold))
>> .apply { (
>>   key: Int,
>>   window: TimeWindow,
>>   vals: Iterable[(Int, Short)],
>>   out: Collector[(Int, Long, Int)]) =>
>>     out.collect( ( key, window.getEnd, _._2 ).sum ) )
>> }
>> Cheers, Fabian
>> 2015-12-10 12:04 GMT+01:00 Martin Neumann <>:
>>> Hej,
>>> Is it possible to extract the start and end window time stamps from
>>> within a window operator?
>>> I have an event time based window that does a simple fold function. I
>>> want to put the output into elasticsearch and want to preserve the start
>>> and end timestamp of the data so I can directly compare it with related
>>> data. The only Idea I had so far was to manually keep track of the minimum
>>> and maximum timestamp found in a window and pass them along with the
>>> output. This is a quite bad approximation since the window I see depends
>>> alot on how the values are spaced out. Anyone an idea how to do this?
>>> cheers Martin

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