Off heap memory is freed when the memory consuming operators release the

The Java process releases that memory then on the next GC, as far as I know.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:

> Streaming mode with on-heap memory won't help because the JVM allocates
> all memory but doesn't convert it to managed memory internally, right?
> Is offheap memory actually freed after it has been allocated as managed
> memory? Does this happen after a job finishes?
> 2015-12-09 10:44 GMT+01:00 Stephan Ewen <>:
>> @Sebastian: Getting memory away from the JVM is tricky always, completely
>> independent of pre-allocation of managed memory or lazy allocation.
>> But here is something that may work:
>>   - Start Flink in streaming mode - that will make it allocate managed
>> memory lazily
>>   - Set the memory to offheap memory. That way the JVM heap is small. The
>> off-heap memory is returned when no longer used deallocated - this releases
>> memory much better than JVM shrinking the heap.
>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:
>>> Hi Sebastian,
>>> There is no way to return memory from a Flink process except shutting
>>> the process down.
>>> I think YARN could help in your setup. In a YARN setup, you can flexibly
>>> start and stop Flink sessions with different configurations (memory, TMs,
>>> slots) or run a single job. When running a single job, Flink will allocate
>>> resources and free them after the job is done.
>>> Best, Fabian
>>> 2015-12-09 9:46 GMT+01:00 Kruse, Sebastian <>:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I am currently looking into how Flink can coexist and interoperate with
>>>> other frameworks in a cluster, such as plain single-machine processes
>>>> or Spark​. ​Tachyon seems to be nice solution to exchange data between
>>>> them.
>>>> However, I think it is a problem that Flink's taskmanagers allocate
>>>>  their managed memory upfront - in contrast to Spark, as far as I know.
>>>> If I want ​a taskmanager to yield its main memory, so that another
>>>> process can use that memory, is there any other option besides shutting
>>>> that taskmanager down? Would it be beneficial to use YARN?
>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sebastian

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