Hi Philip, As far as I know, ganglia[1] is widely used for monitoring Hadoop ecosystem. If your Hadoop distribution is installed by Apache Ambari[2], you can fetch metrics easily from pre-installed ganglia.
[1]: http://ganglia.sourceforge.net [2]: https://ambari.apache.org > On Dec 8, 2015, at 4:54 AM, Philip Lee <philjj...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hello, a question about metrics. > > I want to evaluate some queris on Spark, Flink, and Hive for a comparison. > > I am using 'vmstat' to check metrics to see the amount of memory used, swap, > io, cpu. My way of evaulating is right? becaues they use JVM's resource for > memory, cpu. > > Is there any linux application you use for metrics? > > Best, > Phil. Regards, Chiwan Park