
I wrote a short blog post about the ldbc-flink tool including a short
overview of Flink and a Gelly example.



On 06.10.2015 11:00, Martin Junghanns wrote:
> Hi Vasia,
> No problem. Sure, Gelly is just a map() call away :)
> Best,
> Martin
> On 06.10.2015 10:53, Vasiliki Kalavri wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> thanks a lot for sharing! This is a very useful tool.
>> I only had a quick look, but if we merge label and payload inside a Tuple2,
>> then it should also be Gelly-compatible :)
>> Cheers,
>> Vasia.
>> On 6 October 2015 at 10:03, Martin Junghanns <m.jungha...@mailbox.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> For our benchmarks with Flink, we are using a data generator provided by
>>> the LDBC project (Linked Data Benchmark Council) [1][2]. The generator uses
>>> MapReduce to create directed, labeled, attributed graphs that mimic
>>> properties of real online social networks (e.g, degree distribution,
>>> diameter). The output is stored in several files either local or in HDFS.
>>> Each file represents a vertex, edge or multi-valued property class.
>>> I wrote a little tool, that parses and transforms the LDBC output into two
>>> datasets representing vertices and edges. Each vertex has a unique id, a
>>> label and payload according to the LDBC schema. Each edge has a unique id,
>>> a label, source and target vertex IDs and also payload according to the
>>> schema.
>>> I thought this may be useful for others so I put it on GitHub [2]. It
>>> currently uses Flink 0.10-SNAPSHOT as it depends on some fixes made in
>>> there.
>>> Best,
>>> Martin
>>> [1] http://ldbcouncil.org/
>>> [2] https://github.com/ldbc/ldbc_snb_datagen
>>> [3] https://github.com/s1ck/ldbc-flink-import

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