Hi Konstatin,
you are right, if the stream is keyed by the session-id then it works.

I was referring to the case where you have, for example, some interactions with 
timestamps and you want to derive the sessions from this. In that case, it can 
happen that events that should belong to one session (depending on their 
timestamp) arrive intermixed with elements that should belong to another 
session because of delays (and because elements never really arrive in the 
order of their timestamps). Does this make clear what I meant? It’s a bit 
tricky, so I can maybe draw a picture if it helps.

> On 18 Nov 2015, at 09:09, Vladimir Stoyak <vsto...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We, were also trying to address session windowing but took slightly different 
> approach as to what window we place the event into. 
> We did not want "triggering event" to be purged as part of the window it 
> triggered, but instead to create a new window for it and have the old window 
> to fire and purge on event time timeout.
> Take a look and see if it will be useful - 
> https://bitbucket.org/snippets/vstoyak/o9Rqp
> Vladimir
> On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 11:25 PM, Konstantin Knauf 
> <konstantin.kn...@tngtech.com> wrote:
> Hi Aljoscha,
> sorry to bother you again (this time with this old thread), just a short
> question about the caveat you mention in your answer. You wrote that
> events of different sessions can not intermingled. Isn't the idea of the
> keyBy expression below exactly not to have intermingled sessions by
> first grouping by sesion-ids?
> Cheers and thank you,
> Konstantin
> On 17.10.2015 14:39, Aljoscha Krettek wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> it’s good to see people interested in this. I sketched a Trigger that should 
>> fit your requirements: https://gist.github.com/aljoscha/a7c6f22548e7d24bc4ac
>> You can use it like this:
>> DataStream<> input = …
>> DataStream<> result = input
>>  .keyBy(“session-id”)
>>  .window(GlobalWindows.create())
>>  .trigger(new SessionTrigger(timeout, maxElements))
>>  .apply(new MyWindowFunction())
>> The Trigger uses the new state API that I’m currently introducing in a new 
>> Pull Request. It should be merged very soon, before the 0.10 release.
>> This implementation has one caveat, though. It cannot deal with elements 
>> that belong to different sessions that arrive intermingled with other 
>> sessions. The reason is that Flink does not yet support merging the windows 
>> that the WindowAssigner assigns as, for example, the Cloud Dataflow API 
>> supports. This means that elements cannot be assigned to session windows, 
>> instead the workaround with the GlobalWindow has to be used. I want to 
>> tackle this for the release after 0.10, however.
>> Please let us know if you need more information. I’m always happy to help in 
>> these interesting cases at the bleeding edge of what is possible. :-)
>> Cheers,
>> Aljoscha
>>> On 16 Oct 2015, at 19:36, Hamilton, Paul <paul.hamilto...@sap.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am attempting to make use of the new window APIs in streaming to
>>> implement a session based window and am not sure if the currently provided
>>> functionality handles my use case.  Specifically what I want to do is
>>> something conceptually similar to a ³Sessions.withGapDuration(Š)² window
>>> in Google DataFlow.
>>> Assuming the events are keyed by session id.  I would like to use the
>>> event time and the watermarking functionality to trigger a window after
>>> the ³end of a session² (no events for a given session received within x
>>> amount of time).  With watermarking this would mean trigger when a
>>> watermark is seen that is > (the time of the last event + session
>>> timeout). Also I want to perform an early triggering of the window after a
>>> given number of events have been received.
>>> Is it currently possible to do this with the current combination of window
>>> assigners and triggers?  I am happy to write custom triggers etc, but
>>> wanted to make sure it wasn¹t already available before going down that
>>> road.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul Hamilton
>>> Hybris Software
> -- 
> Konstantin Knauf * konstantin.kn...@tngtech.com * +49-174-3413182
> TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Betastr. 13a, 85774 Unterföhring
> Geschäftsführer: Henrik Klagges, Christoph Stock, Dr. Robert Dahlke
> Sitz: Unterföhring * Amtsgericht München * HRB 135082

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