> I have been thinking about this, maybe we can add a special output stream
> (for example Kafka, but can be generic) that would get errors/exceptions
> that where throws during processing. The actual processing would not stop
> and the messages in this special stream would contain some information
> about the current state of processing, the input element(s) and the
> machine/VM where computation is happening.

Yes, this is precisely what I have in mind. The goal is (1) to not lose
input data, and (2) to make errors available for operator visibility.

It's not very portable, but I was able to implement my Maybe<IN, OUT,
Throwable> type. I can now use it as the output of all my source streams,
and split those streams on the presence of the Throwable. With this, I'm
able to trap certain forms of invalid input and send it to an errors sink.
However, there are still some error cases that cause exceptions,
apparently, outside of my UDF try block that cause the whole streaming job
to terminate.

> > On 11 Nov 2015, at 21:49, Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Heya,
> >
> > I don't see a section in the online manual dedicated to this topic, so I
> want to raise the question here: How should errors be handled? Specifically
> I'm thinking about streaming jobs, which are expected to "never go down".
> For example, errors can be raised at the point where objects are serialized
> to/from sources/sinks, and UDFs. Cascading provides failure traps [0] where
> erroneous tuples are saved off for post-processing. Is there any such
> functionality in Flink?
> >
> > I started down the road of implementing a Maybe/Optional type, a POJO
> Generic triple of <IN, OUT, Throwable> for capturing errors at each stage
> of a pipeline. However, Java type erasure means even though it compiles,
> the job is rejected at submission time.
> >
> > How are other people handling errors in their stream processing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nick
> >
> > [0]: http://docs.cascading.org/cascading/1.2/userguide/html/ch06s03.html

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