
I’ve worked around my problem by not using the HiveServer2 JDBC driver to read 
the ref table. Apparently, despite all the good options passed to the Statement 
object, it poorly handles RAM, since converting the table into textformat and 
directly reading the hdfs works without any problem and with a lot of free mem…


De : LINZ, Arnaud
Envoyé : jeudi 12 novembre 2015 17:48
À : 'user@flink.apache.org' <user@flink.apache.org>
Objet : Join Stream with big ref table


I have to enrich a stream with a big reference table (11,000,000 rows). I 
cannot use “join” because I cannot window the stream ; so in the “open()” 
function of each mapper I read the content of the table and put it in a HashMap 
(stored on the heap).

11M rows is quite big but it should take less than 100Mb in RAM, so it’s 
supposed to be easy. However, I systematically run into a Java Out Of Memory 
error, even with huge 64Gb containers (5 slots / container).

Path, ID

Data Port

Last Heartbeat

All Slots

Free Slots

CPU Cores

Physical Memory

Free Memory

Flink Managed Memory



2015-11-12, 17:46:14




126.0 GB

46.0 GB

31.5 GB

I don’t clearly understand why this happens and how to fix it. Any clue?


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