I have to continue the evaluation so I managed to patch a fix to my local
build. In case someone cannot wait here is what I did:

1. In the flink-core's ConfigConstants.java add 

public static final String FLINK_JVM_OPTIONS = "env.java.opts"; <-- existing
public static final String FLINK_CUSTOM_ENV_VARS = "env.custom.env.vars"; 

2. In the flink-conf.yaml now you can add environment variables separated by

env.custom.env.vars: name1=value1|name2=value2|name3=value3 ....

3. In the flink-yarn's YarnJobManager.scala's createContainerLaunchContext()
method add the following between the two existing lines:

    Utils.setupEnv(yarnConf, containerEnv) <-- existing
    val customEnvOpts =
flinkConfiguration.getString(ConfigConstants.FLINK_CUSTOM_ENV_VARS, "")
val variables = customEnvOpts.split("\\|");
for(variable <- variables)
val pair = variable.split("=");
containerEnv.put(pair(0), pair(1));
yarnClientUsername) <-- existing

Now the container running my program sees the env variables. 

Note this is temp work around for local personally and should be discarded
once Flink 1.0 comes out.

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