I’m afraid there is no other solution besides calling keyBy() again if you 
require a keyed data stream. This has to do with the data model of Flink, where 
the key is part of the regular data element. This is different from systems 
that have a (Key, Value) data model. Those systems can provide primitives that 
only work on the value and therefore they can preserve a key partitioning.

> On 03 Nov 2015, at 18:17, Martin Neumann <mneum...@sics.se> wrote:
> Here is some code of my current solution, if there is some better way of 
> doing it let me know.
> KeyedStream<DataPojo,String> hostStream = inStream
> .keyBy(t -> t.getHost());
> KeyedStream<Tuple2<Integer,String>,String> freqStream = hostStreams
> .timeWindow(Time.of(WINDOW_SIZE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
> .fold(new Tuple2<Integer, String>(0, ""), new Count())
> .keyBy(t -> t.f1);
> ...
> I wish I could get rid of that annoying Tuple2 after the fold and just have a 
> KeyedStream<Integer,String> but I didn't find anything in the documentation 
> that would allow me to do that.
> An other curious thing is that in the 2nd statement .keyBy(t -> t.f1) works 
> but .keyBy(1) does not, even though they do the same thing. I'm using Idea at 
> the moment so it can be just another type inference problem with that IDE.
> cheers
> Martin
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> where are you storing the results of each window computation to? Maybe you 
> could also store it from inside a custom WindowFunction where you just count 
> the elements and then store the results.
> On the other hand, adding a (1) field and doing a window reduce (à la 
> WordCount) is going to be way more efficient because we only have to keep one 
> element per window (the current reduced tuple) instead of all the tuples, as 
> we have to for a fold or WindowFunction. If you want you can also combine a 
> reduce and WindowFunction:
> WindowedStream.apply(ReduceFunction<T> preAggregator, WindowFunction<T, R, K, 
> W> function)
> here, the ReduceFunction does the WordCount-like counting while in the 
> WindowFunction you get the final result and store it inside your model.
> Let me know if you need more information.
> Cheers,
> Aljoscha
> > On 03 Nov 2015, at 11:28, Martin Neumann <mneum...@sics.se> wrote:
> >
> > Hej,
> >
> > I want to do the following thing:
> > 1. Split a Stream of incoming Logs by host address.
> > 2. For each Key, create time based windows
> > 3. Count the number of items in the window
> > 4. Feed it into a statistical model that is maintained for each host
> >
> > Since I don't have fields to sum upon, I use a (window) fold function to 
> > count the number of elements in the window. (Maybe there is a better way to 
> > do this, or it could be part of the primitives)
> > My problem is now that I get back a DataStream so the distribution by key 
> > is lost. Is there a way to preserve the distribution by key? Currently I 
> > only store the count of element in the windows so I cannot simple do byKey 
> > again.
> >
> > I could fold into tuples that have the count and also contain the host 
> > address but that feels clumsy.
> >
> > Any hints are welcome.
> >
> >
> > cheers Martin

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