You can also try and make the decision on the client. Imagine a program
like this.

long count = env.readFile(...).filter(...).count();

if (count > 5) {
else {

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:35 AM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:

> Hi Giacomo,
> there is no direct support for use cases like yours. The main issue that
> it is not possible to modify the execution of a submitted program. Once it
> is running, it cannot be adapted. It is also not possible to inject a
> condition into the data flow logic, e.g., if this happens follow this flow
> branch, otherwise the other one.
> However, the following workaround might work for you:
> Once the condition to modify the running program becomes true, you can
> stop the running job by filtering out all records. This is the only way to
> gracefully quit a job (throwing an exception would also kill the job, but
> might not work well, if you still want to store some of the jobs results).
> The record filtering can be done by a filter function that read the filter
> condition from a broadcast variable.
> If the program finishes due to the condition, you can start a new program
> with the alternative data source.
> This is a bit hacky, but I don't see a different way to do it.
> Cheers, Fabian
> 2015-10-31 11:53 GMT+01:00 Giacomo Licari <>:
>> Hi Fabian,
>> thanks a lot for your solution.
>> Just another question, do you think is possible to execute operations on
>> C dataset* , *inside filter or map operators (or any operator), when
>> some conditions appear, instead of waiting for the entire A dataset
>> processing?
>> My purposes are:
>> If, while processing A dataset some conditions appear, stop executing
>> operations on A dataset and execute operations on C dataset.
>> Some pseudocode from your solution:
>> DataSet<X> A = env.readFile(...);
>> DataSet<X> C = env.readFile(...);
>> A.groupBy().reduce().filter(*Check conditions here and in case start
>> processing C*);
>> Thanks,
>> Giacomo
>> On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Fabian Hueske <>
>> wrote:
>>> You refer to the DataSet (batch) API, right?
>>> In that case you can evaluate your condition in the program and fetch a
>>> DataSet back to the client using List<X> myData = DataSet<X>.collect();
>>> Based on the result of the collect() call you can define and execute a
>>> new program.
>>> Note: collect() will immediately trigger the execution of the program in
>>> its current state and bring the result back to the client. There is also a
>>> size limitation of results that can be fetched back. This is the Akka
>>> framesize which is 10MB by default but could be adapted.
>>> It would look similar to this:
>>> ExecutionEnvironment env = ...
>>> DataSet<X> a = env.readFile(...);
>>> List<Y> b = a.groupBy().reduce().filter().collect();
>>> DataSet<Z> c;
>>> if(b.get(0).equals(...)) {
>>>   c = env.readFile(someFile);
>>> } else {
>>>   c = env.readFile(someOtherFile);
>>> }
>>> env.execute();
>>> Cheers, Fabian
>>> 2015-10-30 22:40 GMT+01:00 Giacomo Licari <>:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I would ask to you how could I create triggers in Flink.
>>>> I would like to perform some operations on a dataset and according to
>>>> some conditions, based on an attribute of a Pojo class or Tuple, execute
>>>> some triggers.
>>>> I mean, starting collecting other datasources' data and performing
>>>> operations over them.
>>>> An Example.
>>>> I have a dataset of Pojo class Person. My trigger activation condition
>>>> is (number of italian people > 100).
>>>> If so, I collect another datasource and I execute operations over it.
>>>> Do you think is that possible in Flink?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Giacomo

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