
I am trying to load the dataset with the part of null value by using

// e.g  _date|_click|_sales|_item|_web_page|_user

case class WebClick(_click_date: Long, _click_time: Long, _sales: Int,
_item: Int,_page: Int, _user: Int)

private def getWebClickDataSet(env: ExecutionEnvironment): DataSet[WebClick] = {

    fieldDelimiter = "|",
    includedFields = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
    // lenient = true

Well, I know there is an option to ignore malformed value, but I have to
read the dataset even though it has null value.

as it follows, dataset (third column is null) looks like
but I have to read null value as well because I have to use filter or where
function ( _sales == null )

Is there any detail suggestion to do it?




*Hae Joon Lee*

Now, in Germany,

M.S. Candidate, Interested in Distributed System, Iterative Processing

Dept. of Computer Science, Informatik in German, TUB

Technical University of Berlin

In Korea,

M.S. Candidate, Computer Architecture Laboratory

Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST

Rm# 4414 CS Dept. KAIST

373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejon, South Korea (305-701)

Mobile) 49) 015-251-448-278 in Germany, no cellular in Korea


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