
You are checking for equality / inequality with "!=" - can you check with
"equals()" ?

The key objects will most certainly be different in each record (as they
are deserialized individually), but they should be equal.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:20 PM, LINZ, Arnaud <al...@bouyguestelecom.fr>

> Hello,
> Trying to understand why my code was giving strange results, I’ve ended up
> adding “useless” controls in my code and came with what seems to me a bug.
> I group my dataset according to a key, but in the reduceGroup function I am
> passed values with different keys.
> My code has the following pattern (mix of java & pseudo-code in []) :
> inputDataSet *[of InputRecord]*
> .joinWithTiny(referencesDataSet *[of Reference]*)
> .where(*[InputRecord SecondaryKeySelector]*).equalTo(*[Reference
> KeySelector]*)
> .groupBy(*[PrimaryKeySelector : Tuple2<InputRecord, Reference> -> value.*
> *f0**.getPrimaryKey()]*)
> .sortGroup(*[DateKeySelector]*, Order.*ASCENDING*)
> .reduceGroup(*new* ReduceFunction<InputRecord, OutputRecord>() {
> @Override
>        *public* *void* reduce(Iterable< Tuple2<InputRecord, Reference>>
> values,  Collector<OutputRecord> out) *throws* Exception {
>              // Issue : all values do not share the same key
>       *final* List<Tuple2<InputRecord, Reference>> listValues = *new*
> ArrayList<Tuple2<InputRecord, Reference>>();
>              *for* (*final* Tuple2<InputRecord, Reference>value : values)
> { listValues.add(value); }
> *final* *long* primkey = listValues.get(0).f0.getPrimaryKey();
>        *for* (*int* i = 1; i < listValues.size(); i++) {
>             *if* (listValues.get(i).f0.getPrimaryKey() != primkey) {
>                       *throw* *new* IllegalStateException(primkey + " != "
> + listValues.get(i).f0.getPrimaryKey());
>                     è This exception is fired !
>            }
>         }
> }
> }) ;
> I use the current 0.10 snapshot. The issue appears in local cluster mode
> unit tests as well as in yarn mode (however it’s ok when I test it with
> very few elements).
> The sortGroup is not the cause of the problem, as I do get the same error
> without it.
> Have I misunderstood the grouping concept or is it really an awful bug?
> Best regards,
> Arnaud
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