Answering to our other mail:

I think getting from import statements to dependencies is not
straightworward easy.

Usually if you add flink-core and flink-java or flink-scala, plus maybe
flink-streaming-core you have what you need to program (transitive
libraries will be resolved by Maven / sbt) and if you need to execute the
program, add "flink-clients"...


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Daniel Blazevski <> wrote:

> BTW,
> I previously had an already built version of Flink, am now building from
> scratch so that I can use an IDE -- Got Scala 2.10.5, and building Flink
> from source will naturally make the whole process of getting the
> dependencies right more straight-forward.
> Decided will need to do this eventually anyway since I'm planning to
> contribute to Flink.
> Cheers,
> Dan
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Daniel Blazevski <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> I have another question about building using sbt:  how can one go from
>> import statements to figuring out library dependencies?
>> Would be nice to write small programs w/o an IDE and be able to go from
>> the import statements to appending the library dependency list in a .sbt
>> file to build.  For example, I would like to test algorithm in the machine
>> learning library ( namely:
>> ), and when I run `sbt package`, I get errors since I need to add more
>> dependencies in my build.sbt file.
>> I can try to get an IDE and have this automated, but I would like to be
>> able to add the right dependencies quickly on the command line.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Giancarlo is correct about the Scala version. The provided Flink
>>> libraries should only work with 2.10. I'm actually wondering why it seems
>>> to be working for you with 2.9.x.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Aljoscha
>>> On Mon, 14 Sep 2015 at 11:07 Giancarlo Pagano <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> If you want to use Flink 0.10-SNAPSHOT you can add the Apache Snapshot
>>>> repository, in sbt:
>>>> resolvers += "apache-snapshot" at  "
>>>> It would probably be better to use scala 2.10 rather than 2.9.
>>>> Giancarlo
>>>> On 13 Sep 2015, at 21:36, Daniel Blazevski <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> nevermind on this issue, based on this (a whole different issue with
>>>> Kafka):
>>>> I saw the following (instead of 0.10-SNAPSHOT in build.sbt), and the
>>>> error message went away:
>>>> val flinkVersion = "0.9.0" libraryDependencies ++=
>>>> Seq("org.apache.flink" % "flink-scala" %
>>>> flinkVersion, "org.apache.flink" % "flink-clients" % flinkVersion)
>>>> I'm doing more debugging now with the actual wordcount.scala file -- so
>>>> I might ask another question about that here --  but thought I'd mention
>>>> that that error message is no longer popping up.
>>>> Dan
>>>> On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Daniel Blazevski <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Earlier today, I was able to get a Flink cluster running, and
>>>> successfully ran the wordcount jar file in the examples folder.
>>>> I then tried to compile the WordCount example using sbt found here:
>>>> and could not resolve the sbt dependencies listed on that page.  More
>>>> specifically, I did the following steps:
>>>> -- Created a directory with the WordCountJob.scala file copied and
>>>> pasted from the above link
>>>> -- Created a build.sbt file (scala -version told me that I have 2.9.2
>>>> installed)
>>>> name := "sbt-test"
>>>> version := "1.0"
>>>> scalaVersion := "2.9.2"
>>>> libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
>>>>         "org.apache.flink" % "flink-scala" % "0.10-SNAPSHOT",
>>>>         "org.apache.flink" % "flink-clients" % "0.10-SNAPSHOT")
>>>> fork in run := true
>>>> I then ran
>>>> sbt
>>>> > compile
>>>> and got the error:
>>>> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
>>>> [warn]     ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
>>>> [warn]     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
>>>> [warn]     :: org.apache.flink#flink-scala;0.10-SNAPSHOT: not found
>>>> [warn]     :: org.apache.flink#flink-clients;0.10-SNAPSHOT: not found
>>>> [warn]     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
>>>> [warn]
>>>> I then installed Fink on my local Mac laptop, and the same problem:  I
>>>> was able to run the wordcount jar file, but had the same issue when trying
>>>> to build using sbt
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Dan

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