I am wondering why, despite the fact that my java main() methods runs OK and exit with 0 code value, the Yarn container status set by the englobing flink execution is FAILED with diagnostic "Flink YARN Client requested shutdown."? Command line : flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 20 -ytm 8192 -yqu batch1 -ys 8 --class <myMain> <myJar> <myParams> End of yarn log : Status of job 6ac47ddc8331ffd0b1fa9a3b5a551f86 (KUBERA-GEO-BRUT2SEGMENT) changed to FINISHED. 10:03:00,618 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.ApplicationMaster$$anonfun$2$$anon$1 - Stopping YARN JobManager with status FAILED and diagnostic Flink YARN Client requested shutdown. 10:03:00,625 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.AMRMClientImpl - Waiting for application to be successfully unregistered. 10:03:00,874 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.ContainerManagementProtocolProxy - Closing proxy : h1r2dn12.bpa.bouyguestelecom.fr:45454 (… more closing proxy …) 10:03:00,877 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.ContainerManagementProtocolProxy - Closing proxy : h1r2dn01.bpa.bouyguestelecom.fr:45454 10:03:00,883 INFO org.apache.flink.yarn.ApplicationMaster$$anonfun$2$$anon$1 - Stopping JobManager akka://flink/user/jobmanager#1737010364. 10:03:00,895 INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon. 10:03:00,896 INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. 10:03:00,918 INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down. End of log4j log: 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (main) - INFO - com.bouygtel.kuberasdk.main.Application.mainMethod - Fin ok traitement 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (Thread-14) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Shutting down FlinkYarnCluster from the client shutdown hook 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (Thread-14) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Sending shutdown request to the Application Master 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Sending StopYarnSession request to ApplicationMaster. 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Remote JobManager has been stopped successfully. Stopping local application client 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Stopped Application client. 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-15) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Shutting down remote daemon. 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-15) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-15) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Remoting shut down. 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (Thread-14) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Deleting files in hdfs://h1r1nn01.bpa.bouyguestelecom.fr:8020/user/datcrypt/.flink/application_1441011714087_0730 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (Thread-15) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - Application application_1441011714087_0730 finished with state FINISHED and final state FAILED at 1441267380623 2015:09:03 10:03:00 (Thread-14) - WARN - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - The short-circuit local reads feature cannot be used because libhadoop cannot be loaded. 2015:09:03 10:03:01 (Thread-14) - INFO - Classe Inconnue.Methode Inconnue - YARN Client is shutting down Greetings, Arnaud ________________________________ L'intégrité de ce message n'étant pas assurée sur internet, la société expéditrice ne peut être tenue responsable de son contenu ni de ses pièces jointes. Toute utilisation ou diffusion non autorisée est interdite. Si vous n'êtes pas destinataire de ce message, merci de le détruire et d'avertir l'expéditeur. The integrity of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. The company that sent this message cannot therefore be held liable for its content nor attachments. Any unauthorized use or dissemination is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, then please delete it and notify the sender.