Hi Jerry, WordCount-StormTopology uses a hard coded dop of 4. If you start up Flink in local mode (bin/start-local-streaming.sh), you need to increase the number of task slots to at least 4 in conf/flink-conf.yaml before starting Flink -> taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots
You should actually see the following exception in log/flink-...-jobmanager-...log > NoResourceAvailableException: Not enough free slots available to run the job. > You can decrease the operator parallelism or increase the number of slots per > TaskManager in the configuration. WordCount-StormTopology does use StormWordCountRemoteBySubmitter internally. So, you do use it already ;) I am not sure what you mean by "get rid of KafkaSource"? It is still in the code base. Which version to you use? In flink-0.10-SNAPSHOT it is located in submodule "flink-connector-kafka" (which is submodule of "flink-streaming-connector-parent" -- which is submodule of "flink-streamping-parent"). -Matthias On 09/01/2015 09:40 PM, Jerry Peng wrote: > Hello, > > I have some questions regarding how to run one of the > flink-storm-examples, the WordCountTopology. How should I run the job? > On github its says I should just execute > bin/flink run example.jar but when I execute: > > bin/flink run WordCount-StormTopology.jar > > nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? and How can I run the > WordCounttopology via StormWordCountRemoteBySubmitter? > > Also why did you guys get rid of the KafkaSource class? What is the API > now for subscribing to a kafka source? > > Best, > > Jerry
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