okay, i have found it. how to compare my old and new centers?

2015-07-20 12:16 GMT+02:00 Sachin Goel <sachingoel0...@gmail.com>:

> Gah. Sorry.
> In the closeWith call, give a second argument which determines if the
> iteration should be stopped.
> -- Sachin Goel
> Computer Science, IIT Delhi
> m. +91-9871457685
> On Jul 20, 2015 3:21 PM, "Pa Rö" <paul.roewer1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> i not found the "iterateWithTermination" function, only "iterate" and
>> "iterateDelta". i use flink 0.9.0 with java.
>> 2015-07-20 11:30 GMT+02:00 Sachin Goel <sachingoel0...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> You can use iterateWithTermination to terminate before max iterations.
>>> The feedback for iteration then would be (next solution, isConverged) where
>>> isConverged is an empty data set if you wish to terminate.
>>> However, this is something I have a pull request for:
>>> https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/918. Take a look.
>>> -- Sachin Goel
>>> Computer Science, IIT Delhi
>>> m. +91-9871457685
>>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Pa Rö <paul.roewer1...@googlemail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> hello community,
>>>> i have write a k-means app in flink, now i want change my terminate
>>>> condition from max iteration to checking the changing of the cluster
>>>> centers, but i don't know how i can break the flink loop. here my execution
>>>> code of flink:
>>>> public void run() {
>>>>         //load properties
>>>>         Properties pro = new Properties();
>>>>         FileSystem fs = null;
>>>>         try {
>>>> pro.load(FlinkMain.class.getResourceAsStream("/config.properties"));
>>>>             fs = FileSystem.get(new
>>>> URI(pro.getProperty("hdfs.namenode")),new
>>>> org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());
>>>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>             e.printStackTrace();
>>>>         }
>>>>         int maxIteration =
>>>> Integer.parseInt(pro.getProperty("maxiterations"));
>>>>         String outputPath =
>>>> fs.getHomeDirectory()+pro.getProperty("flink.output");
>>>>         // set up execution environment
>>>>         ExecutionEnvironment env =
>>>> ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
>>>>         // get input points
>>>>         DataSet<GeoTimeDataTupel> points = getPointDataSet(env);
>>>>         DataSet<GeoTimeDataCenter> centroids = null;
>>>>         try {
>>>>             centroids = getCentroidDataSet(env);
>>>>         } catch (Exception e1) {
>>>>             e1.printStackTrace();
>>>>         }
>>>>         // set number of bulk iterations for KMeans algorithm
>>>>         IterativeDataSet<GeoTimeDataCenter> loop =
>>>> centroids.iterate(maxIteration);
>>>>         DataSet<GeoTimeDataCenter> newCentroids = points
>>>>             // compute closest centroid for each point
>>>>             .map(new
>>>> SelectNearestCenter(this.getBenchmarkCounter())).withBroadcastSet(loop,
>>>> "centroids")
>>>>             // count and sum point coordinates for each centroid
>>>>             .groupBy(0).reduceGroup(new CentroidAccumulator())
>>>>             // compute new centroids from point counts and coordinate
>>>> sums
>>>>             .map(new CentroidAverager(this.getBenchmarkCounter()));
>>>>         // feed new centroids back into next iteration
>>>>         DataSet<GeoTimeDataCenter> finalCentroids =
>>>> loop.closeWith(newCentroids);
>>>>         DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, GeoTimeDataTupel>> clusteredPoints =
>>>> points
>>>>             // assign points to final clusters
>>>>             .map(new
>>>> SelectNearestCenter(-1)).withBroadcastSet(finalCentroids, "centroids");
>>>>         // emit result
>>>>         clusteredPoints.writeAsCsv(outputPath+"/points", "\n", " ");
>>>>         finalCentroids.writeAsText(outputPath+"/centers");//print();
>>>>         // execute program
>>>>         try {
>>>>             env.execute("KMeans Flink");
>>>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>             e.printStackTrace();
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>> is it possible to use a contruct like: if(centroids equals
>>>> points){break the loop}???
>>>> best regards,
>>>> paul

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