
I’m struggling with this simple issue for hours now : I am unable to get the 
accumulator result of a streaming context result, the accumulator map in the 
JobExecutionResult is always empty.

Simple test code (directly inspired from the documentation) :

My source =

    public static class oneRandomNumberSource implements 
SourceFunction<Integer>, Serializable {

        public void 
            throws Exception {
            final Random rnd = new Random(29172);

        public void cancel() {

My exec program =
       public static final String COUNTER_NBLINE = "num-lines";

void test() {
                final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = getCluster();
                final SourceFunction<Integer> source = new 
                env.addSource(source).addSink(new RichSinkFunction<Integer>() {

                    private IntCounter numLines = new IntCounter();

                    public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception 
{ // NOPMD
                    public void invoke(Integer value) throws Exception {
                try {
                    final JobExecutionResult result = env.execute();
System.out.println(result.getAccumulatorResult(COUNTER_NBLINE)); // Problem : 
always null
                catch (Exception e) {
Console output :

07/16/2015 14:11:58 Job execution switched to status RUNNING.
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Custom Source(1/1) switched to SCHEDULED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Custom Source(1/1) switched to DEPLOYING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(1/4) switched to SCHEDULED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(1/4) switched to DEPLOYING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(2/4) switched to SCHEDULED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(2/4) switched to DEPLOYING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(3/4) switched to SCHEDULED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(3/4) switched to DEPLOYING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(4/4) switched to SCHEDULED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(4/4) switched to DEPLOYING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Custom Source(1/1) switched to RUNNING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(1/4) switched to RUNNING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(2/4) switched to RUNNING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(4/4) switched to RUNNING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(3/4) switched to RUNNING
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Custom Source(1/1) switched to FINISHED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(4/4) switched to FINISHED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(3/4) switched to FINISHED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(2/4) switched to FINISHED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Stream Sink(1/4) switched to FINISHED
07/16/2015 14:11:58 Job execution switched to status FINISHED.

What am I doing wrong ?
Flink version is 0.9.0

Best regards,


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