
As for the second part of your question:

If you want to apply transformations such as reduce on windows, you need to
create a windowed datastream and apply your groupBy, reduce transformations
on this WindowedDataStream before calling .flatten()

stream.window(..).flatten() have no effect as the windowed stream is turned
back to a simple DataStream by flatten.

I suggest to read through the windowing section of the programming guide:

I also attached a picture illustrating some windowing basics:


I hope this helps :) Let me know if you have further questions.


William Saar <william.s...@king.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2015. jún. 5., P,

>  Hi,
> How can I maintain a local state, for instance a ConcurrentHashMap, across
> different steps in a streaming chain on a single machine/process?
> Static variable? (This doesn’t seem to work well when running locally as
> it gets shared across multiple instances, a common “pipeline” store would
> be helpful)
> Is it OK to checkpoint such a local state in a single map operation at the
> beginning of the pipeline, or does it need to be done for every function?
> Will multiple groupBy steps using the same key selector output pass data
> to the same machines? (To preserve data locality)
> How can I do a fold/reduce operation that only returns its result after a
> full window has been processed, even when the processing in the window
> includes streams that have been distributed and merged from different
> machines using groupBy?
> My scenario is as follows
> I want to build up and partition a large state across different machines
> by using groupBy on a stream. The processing occurs in a window and some
> processing needs to be done on multiple machines so I want to do additional
> groupBy operators to pass partial results to other machines. Pseudo code:
> flattenedWindowStream = streamSource.groupBy(myKeySelector). // Initial
> paritioning
> map(localStateSaverCheckpointMapper).  //Checkpoint that saves local
> state, just passes through the data
> window(Count(100)).flatten();
> localAndRemoteStream =  flattenedWindowStream.split(event ->
> canBeProcessedLocally(event) ? “local” : “remote” );
> remoteStream = localAndRemoteStream.select(“remote”).
> map(partialProcessing).  // Partially process what I can with my local
> state
> groupBy(myKeySelector). // Send the partial processing to the machines
> that own the rest of the data
> map(process);
> globalResult =
> localAndRemoteStream.select(“local”).map(process).union(remoteStream).broadcast();
> // Broadcast all fully processed results to all machines
> globalResult.fold().addSink(globalWindowOutputSink)  // fold/reduce, I
> want a result based on the full contents of the window
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> William

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