
Can you use the KMeans example? The code is for three-dimensional points,
but you should be able to generalize it easily.
That would be the fastest way to go. without waiting for any release


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Pa Rö <>

> hi,
> now i want implement kmeans with flink,
> maybe you know a release date for flink ml kmeans?
> best regards
> paul
> 2015-04-27 9:36 GMT+02:00 Pa Rö <>:
>> Hi Alexander and Till,
>> thanks for your informations, I look forward to the release.
>> I'm curious how well is flink ml against mahout und spark ml.
>> best regerds
>> Paul
>> 2015-04-27 9:23 GMT+02:00 Till Rohrmann <>:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> if you can't wait, a vanilla implementation is already contained as part
>>> of the Flink examples. You should find it under flink/flink-examples.
>>> But we will try to add more clustering algorithms in the near future.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Till
>>> On Apr 26, 2015 11:14 PM, "Alexander Alexandrov" <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I expect to have one in the next few weeks (the code is actually
>>>> there, but we need to port it to the Flink ML API). I suggest to follow the
>>>> JIRA issue in the next weeks to check when this is done:
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alexander
>>>> PS. Bear in mind that we will start with a vanilla implementation of
>>>> K-Means. For a thorough evaluation you might want to also check variants
>>>> like K-Means++.
>>>> 2015-04-24 15:08 GMT+02:00 Pa Rö <>:
>>>>> hi flink community,
>>>>> at the time I write my master thesis in the field machine learning. My
>>>>> main task is to evaluated different k-means variants for large data sets
>>>>> (BigData). I would like test flink ml against Apache Mahout and Apache
>>>>> Hadoop MapReduce in areas of scalability and performance(time and space).
>>>>> What is the current state for the purpose of clustering, especially
>>>>> K-Means? Will there be in the near future a release information this?
>>>>> best greetings
>>>>> paul

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