I am thinking of implementing the following optimization algorithms for GSOC2015 These are supposed to do statistical graph analysis and streaming graph optimization 1. OPERATOR REORDERING Means changing the order in which the operators appear in the stream graph to eliminate overheads. Profitability Reordering is profitable if it moves selective operators before costly operators 2. REDUNDANCY ELIMINATION Eliminate redundant computations. When other operators depend on another, compute that operator once only and share between other operators. Profitability Redundancy elimination is profitable if resources are limited and the cost of redundant work is significant. 3. OPERATOR SEPARATION Separate operators into smaller computational steps. Profitability profitable if it enables other optimizations such as operator reordering. 4. State sharing Optimize for space by avoiding unnecessary copies of data. Profitability Profitable if it reduces stalls due to cache misses or disk I/O, by decreasing the memory footprint. My question is, are the above algorithms sufficient , if so, what can be possible milestones, implementing each algorithm per milestone? Please i will love to see a sample proposal format or a link to one Thanks -- Wepngong Ngeh Benaiah "The similarities of sysadmins and drug dealers: both measure stuff in Ks, and both have users."