
My Filter operator in Scala encounters that IDE complains about the data
"overloaded method value filter with alternatives: (fun: ((String, Int)) ⇒
Boolean cannot be applied..."

Scala for me is quite new. I'm thinking the problem comes from the type
doesn't match each other in map operator and filter operator:

val pldIndex = GraphUtils.readVertices(PLDIndexFile).map { vertex =>
Tuple2(vertex.annotation, vertex.id) } 

class PruneToSampleVerticesFilter extends

Did you have any suggestion that in which direction should I work on to
solve this?

Best regards,


def compute(trackingGraphFile: String, PLDIndexFile: String, outputPath:
String) = {

    implicit val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    // Vertex => VertexName, VertexID
    val pldIndex = GraphUtils.readVertices(PLDIndexFile).map { vertex =>
Tuple2(vertex.annotation, vertex.id) } 
    val trackingGraphEdges = GraphUtils.readEdges(trackingGraphFile)

    val trackingGraphVertices = trackingGraphEdges.map { edge =>
Tuple1(edge.target) }

// IDE complains this filter
    val prunedPldIndex = pldIndex.filter(new PruneToSampleVerticesFilter)
.withBroadcastSet(trackingGraphVertices, "vertices")

    prunedPldIndex.writeAsCsv(outputPath, fieldDelimiter = "\t", writeMode =

  class PruneToSampleVerticesFilter extends
RichFilterFunction[AnnotatedVertex] {

    var vertices: Set[Int] = null
    override def open(parameters: Configuration) = {
      vertices =
getRuntimeContext.getBroadcastVariable[Tuple1[Int]]("vertices").map { _._1 }
    override def filter(vertex: AnnotatedVertex): Boolean = {

// case class
case class AnnotatedVertex(annotation: String, id: Int)
case class Edge(src: Int, target: Int)

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