Sounds like what is getting stuck here is not flink but your while loop
which does not come to the point where there is no node in the graph.

On 18.02.2015 22:39, HungChang wrote:
> Thank you for the information you provided.
> Yes, it runs an iterative algorithm on a graph and feeds the result of one
> iteration to the next.
> The getting stuck issue disappears when increasing the maximal iterations in
> the algorithm
> ex. increase to 1000 vertex centric iterations in the algorithm, before it
> was 10.
> The algorithm finds one maximal independent set in the while loop. 
> After some iterations it only finds maximal independent set consist of only
> one node.
> Therefore, this idea might be wrong, but I would guess the reason that join
> gets stuck is because it doesn't find any maximal independent set in that
> vertex centric iteration. This causes the graph cannot become sub-graph by
> filtering.

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