Thanks for your answers.

I am trying to build an apriori-like algorithm to find key candidates in a 
relational dataset. I was considering delta iterations, because the algorithm 
should maintain two datasets: a set of column combinations to be checked (as 
delta set) and a set of tuples which are still relevant to the next iteration 
(as work set). So, the general proceeding is adapted from the popular frequent 
item set algorithm.

I am now also thinking that delta iterations are not the right thing for me, 
also because of other problems (only join and coGroup to be used on the 
solution set and “Error: Iterative task without a single iterative input.” 
whose cause is not obvious to me).

@Alexander: Using an output within a bulk iteration leaves me with the 
following exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.api.common.InvalidProgramException: 
A data set that is part of an iteration was used as a sink or action. Did you 
forget to close the iteration?
Do you have any experience/proposals how to incorporate your idea nevertheless?

@Stefan: Are operators intentionally reused across iterations, i.e., is it an 
explicit feature or is it likely to change in the future?


From: [] On Behalf Of Stephan 
Sent: Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015 10:02
Subject: Re: DeltaIterations: shrink solution set

You can also use a bulk iteration and just keep the state yourself. Since the 
functions love across iterations, it is easily doable to just gather the state 
in a HashMap yourself. Use map(), or mapPartition(), a manual partition() call 
- that should do the trick...
Am 10.02.2015 21:44 schrieb "Alexander Alexandrov" 

2015-02-10 19:14 GMT+01:00 Vasiliki Kalavri 


It's hard to tell without details about your algorithm, but what you're 
describing sounds to me like something you can use the workset for.

On Feb 10, 2015 6:54 PM, "Alexander Alexandrov" 
I am not sure whether this is supported at the moment. The only workaround I 
could think of is indeed to use a boolean flag that indicates whether the 
element has been deleted or not.
An alternative approach is to ditch Flink's native iteration construct and 
write your intermediate results to Tachyon or HDFS after each iteration using 
the TypeInfoInput/OutputFormats. You then have full control how the old and the 
new solutions sets should be merged.

BTW can you share some details about that particular algorithm? I was thinking 
about examples iterative algorithms with this property...

2015-02-10 14:18 GMT+01:00 Kruse, Sebastian 
Hi everyone,

From playing around a bit around with delta iterations, I saw that you can 
update elements from the solution set and add new elements. My question is: is 
it possible to remove elements from the solution set (apart from marking them 
as “deleted” somehow)?

My use case at hand for this is the following: In each iteration, I generate 
candidate solutions that I want to verify within the next iteration. If 
verification fails, I would like to remove them from the solution set, 
otherwise retain them.


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