Hi Markus,

Maybe you could provide some simple test case for your problem or at least
a mapping example?
For me this seems like a regular Many-To-Many relationship that should
just work.

On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 12:46 PM Markus Reich <reich.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm on the latest release 4.2 of Cayenne and run in a problem when creating
> a many to many relationship.
> I had table A und table B and a joining table C which contain the ID
> columns of A and B
> The relation is defined as many to many and Dep PK is marked for A and B,
> further the cascading of deletion is set to NO ACTION
> Now when I create / add a new relation commit the work and the delete the
> relation everythings of, but when I do the same again, create the  same
> relation as before and delete it! A relation function returns a object C in
> transient state?
> regards
> Meex

Best regards,
Nikita Timofeev

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