> so it can be changed

so it can be *chained* :)

> On Jul 5, 2022, at 8:47 AM, Andrus Adamchik <aadamc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tore,
> Yeah, that's a big one to change. There's no script that I am aware of, and 
> writing a generic one would probably require to work with the Java syntax 
> AST. SelectQuery uses "Java Bean" style with "void" return type of most 
> methods, while ObjectSelect returns "this" (so it can be changed), and most 
> method names have different names. So you can't just "sed" the constructor.
> At the same time, the benefit of the upgrade would be to clean up the code 
> and start using the new style. So you might start by running search/replace 
> on the constructor, and then clean up the rest by hand.
> Andrus
>> On Jul 4, 2022, at 11:15 PM, Tore Halset <hal...@ecc.no> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I see that SelectQuery are deprecated and will be removed. I have searched 
>> the mail archive and found the deprecation thread from 2019. Have you moved 
>> away from it in a script based manner or have you re-written all the queries 
>> by hand? We have a lot of them. This is in our biggest project.
>> % find . -type f -name \*java -exec grep -H new\ SelectQuery {} \;|wc -l
>>    546
>> Regards,
>> Tore Halset,

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