Hello, I'm planing to use Cayenne and Cayenne ROP in two projects, but at the moment Cayenne is not compatible with module system.
Current issues: If using Cayenne Server cannot create custom runtime image, because JLink does not support automatic modules (Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink: cayenne.server) If using Cayenne ROP some packages are present on different dependencies and it's not allowed to read a package from multiple modules. - Error:java: the "module" reads package org.apache.cayenne from both cayenne.server and cayenne.rop.server -Error:java: the "module" reads package org.apache.cayenne.remote from both cayenne.client and cayenne.rop.server -Error:java: the "module" reads package org.apache.cayenne.remote.hessian from both cayenne.client and cayenne.rop.server -Error:java: the "module" reads package org.apache.cayenne.remote.hessian.service from both cayenne.client and cayenne.rop.server -Error:java: the "module" reads package org.apache.cayenne.rop from both cayenne.client and cayenne.rop.server Cayenne works with Java 11 and I can do some workarounds like creating a fat jar and not using module-info in my project. But is there any work in progress to make Cayenne compatible with module system?