It also appears that if you use parent/child contexts, even if you
serialize both contexts, the child context doesn't remember that it's
parent channel was another context.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 4:16 PM Lon Varscsak <> wrote:

> There's unfortunately no clean solution for an "unmanaged"
>> (de)serialization of the context-attached auto-expanding object graph. The
>> one we have right now, that requires the context to be the serialization
>> "root", seems like the best choice out of the available options.
> Can you expand on this a little bit?  What do you mean by the root?  So
> far I find that if I serialize the ObjectContext with the data objects (two
> fields in my web page that's getting serialized as an example) things seem
> to work.  Is this just a coincidence?  What if I serialize them in a
> different order (but both serialized?)
> -Lon

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