Hi Bob,

The short answer is that we don't publish nightlies. 

It should be fairly easy for you to do it yourself though. We have a pretty 
rigorous CI process (Travis), so the builds should be predictable and reliable. 
You will need your own Maven repo though.

Also ObjectStyle runs an unofficial Cayenne snapshot repo at [1] as a service 
to the community, but it is updated manually and irregularly. If there are many 
people who'd find this service useful, we (at ObjectStyle) would consider 
making it more robust.


[1] http://maven.objectstyle.org/nexus/content/repositories/cayenne-unofficial/

> On Oct 25, 2018, at 2:09 AM, Bob Schellink <sab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there nightly builds available? The builds at Apache seems broken?
> https://ci.apache.org/builders/cayenne-nightly/
> Kind regards
> Bob

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