Are you taking about parent/child ObjectContexts? I see you're calling
commitChangesToParent not commitChanges. Does it work when you call
commitChanges instead?

Here's the code I have for the callbacks:

callbackRegistry =

ICSDataObject.class, "willUpdate");

public void willUpdate() {

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 12:47 PM Lon Varscsak <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've got a data object who has a preUpdate callback so that I can set
> required values (like a timestamp) before update.  According to the docs
> this should work in the parent-child setup, but that doesn't seem to be the
> case.  Thoughts?  Here's a snippet of the stacktrace:
> Validation failure for
> com.smarthealth.businesslogic.personalization.ArchiveImage: 'timestamp' is
> a required value.
> Validation failure for
> com.smarthealth.businesslogic.personalization.ArchiveImage.timestamp:
> "timestamp"  is required.
> Validation failure for
> com.smarthealth.businesslogic.personalization.ArchiveImage: 'timestamp' is
> a required value.
> at org.apache.cayenne.access.ObjectStoreGraphDiff.validateAndCheckNoop(
> at
> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.flushToParent(
> at org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.commitChangesToParent(
> at
> The preUpdate callback is never fired.
> Thanks,
> Lon

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