I guess it depends on the situation. API-based is easier to comprehend and 
manage on the lower end (small/narrow data sets), while CSV scales much better 
to long/wide datasets. I often generate the later with real SQL against a real 
DB, then edit in LibreOffice/Excel, then save as a CSV in the project.


> On May 3, 2018, at 3:35 PM, Ken Anderson <k...@anderhome.com> wrote:
> Which do you late less?  :)
>> On May 3, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>>> Is derby entirely in memory or does it have a filesystem footprint?
>> It does.
>>> I've found that maintaining tests using standalone data files is far more
>>> difficult than using helper classes to create default data sets.
>> Bootique tools support both types of datasets: file- and API-based, e.g. 
>> [1]. And fwiw I personally hate both of them :) 
>> Andrus
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/bootique/bootique-jdbc/blob/master/bootique-jdbc-test/src/main/java/io/bootique/jdbc/test/Table.java
>>> On May 3, 2018, at 3:26 PM, Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As a general observation after using dbunit for 13 years, I've found
>>> that maintaining tests using standalone data files is far more
>>> difficult than using helper classes to create default data sets.   I
>>> ended up with far too many data sets, and things were even worse if I
>>> needed a test with many instances of the same entity or tests with
>>> entities in complicated relationships.
>>> Trying to update the data sets every time the schema changed was
>>> difficult and time consuming.    That was with
>>> named-key-value-property xml databases.  I would expect csv to be even
>>> more difficult.
>>> Switching to programically generated data has made life far easier for
>>> me.   Schema changes only have to be made one place.   I can create
>>> convenience methods that allow me to only specify the fields of
>>> interest rather than every field, as well as create common complex
>>> data relationships with a single call.   On more recent projects, I
>>> now generate the default "populate every field" methods for individual
>>> entities.   That breaks my convenience methods when the schema changes
>>> and forces me to fix the data generation immediately while it's still
>>> obvious what column has been added or removed.   It's been a
>>> life-saver in this project where there are 6 other developers also
>>> modifying the schema in unexpected ways.
>>> Andrus,
>>> Is derby entirely in memory or does it have a filesystem footprint?  I
>>> remember trying to use it back when I was first looking for in-memory
>>> databases, but something prevented me.  It was probably 13 or more
>>> years ago, so it's very likely that whatever was wrong is no longer an
>>> issues.
>>> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 3:19 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I use Derby. From my experience it is the most "serious" choice out of all 
>>>> in-memory Java databases. HSQL/H2 left a bad aftertaste from the days when 
>>>> we used it for the Modeler preferences. Though this may not be relevant in 
>>>> the context of unit tests.
>>>> Beyond that, I use bootique-jdbc-test / bootique-cayenne-test to manage DB 
>>>> lifecycle, datasets and assertions. There may be a lot of overlap with 
>>>> DBUnit, but if you are on Bootique, it integrates very nicely with the 
>>>> existing app configs, Cayenne models, etc. It supports loading data from 
>>>> CSVs, comparing DB state with CSV, referencing tables by mapped Cayenne 
>>>> classes, etc. There not much documentation as of yet, but here is a small 
>>>> random example:
>>>> @ClassRule
>>>> public static BQTestFactory TEST_FACTORY = new BQTestFactory();
>>>> private static CayenneTestDataManager DATA_MANAGER;
>>>> @BeforeClass
>>>> public static void beforeClass() {
>>>>  BQRuntime app = TEST_FACTORY
>>>>          .app("-s", "-c", "classpath:config.yml")
>>>>          .autoLoadModules()
>>>>          .createRuntime();
>>>>  app.run();
>>>>  DATA_MANAGER = CayenneTestDataManager.builder(app)
>>>>          .doNotDeleteData()
>>>>          .entitiesAndDependencies(E1.class, E2.class, E3.class)
>>>>          .build();
>>>> DATA_MANAGER.getTable(E1.class).csvDataSet().load("classpath:e1.csv").persist();
>>>> }
>>>> @Test
>>>> public void testXyz() {
>>>>  // send some requests; check the data in DB...
>>>>  Table e1 = DATA_MANAGER.getTable(E1.class);
>>>>  e1.matcher().assertMatches(4);
>>>> }
>>>> Andrus
>>>>> On May 2, 2018, at 10:59 PM, Ken Anderson <ken.ander...@amphorainc.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> We’re thinking about setting up an in-memory database in place of SQL 
>>>>> Server for doing unit tests.  Does anyone have any experience doing this 
>>>>> with Cayenne?  Any recommendations or warnings?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ken

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