> But I don't see how I could avoid those objects ending up in the shared 
> object cache anyway. Can I?

I know some users have tried turning off shared cache in the modeler at the 
DataDomain level. This results in attaching a separate snapshot cache to each 
ObjectContext individually. I haven't tried such config myself [*], so I can't 
comment on the results, but presumably this helps in certain scenarios.


[*] as you may have noticed before, my typical config is shared object cache, a 
single shared ObjectContext for read operations with local cache attached, and 
multiple short-lived on-demand contexts for writes.

> On Dec 21, 2017, at 7:55 PM, Musall, Maik <m...@selbstdenker.ag> wrote:
> So far, I don't use query caches. This application grows to tens of GB RAM 
> from filling the shared object cache alone, I use short-lived ObjectContexts, 
> and I don't really want or need another level of caching that I could forget 
> to invalidate. Plus I don't have that many explicit queries anyway. Users are 
> navigating object graphs all the time.
> This one table is different. I _might_ be using a query cache for that. Could 
> be sensible to do in this case, and invalidation would also be trivial.
> But I don't see how I could avoid those objects ending up in the shared 
> object cache anyway. Can I?
> Maik
>> Am 21.12.2017 um 16:07 schrieb John Huss <johnth...@gmail.com>:
>> It's going to depend on which cache you mean.  The query cache can be
>> cleared by setting a cache group on the query that fetches the objects and
>> then removing that cache group later.
>> The shared object cache can be cleared by finding the objects you want in
>> context.getGraphManager().registeredNodes() and then invalidating them one
>> by one. It would better to use the query cache.
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 6:48 AM Musall, Maik <m...@selbstdenker.ag> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> how to deal with the caches is basically my actual question. Ideally, I'd
>>> like to call something like myentity.truncateTable(), and just have all
>>> data deleted and all caches purged by that, but of course that doesn't
>>> exist yet.
>>> Maik
>>>> Am 21.12.2017 um 13:13 schrieb Michael Gentry <blackn...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Maik,
>>>> Raw SQL would certainly be the most efficient way.  Even if you didn't
>>> use
>>>> raw SQL, though, how were you planning on dealing with Cayenne's
>>> caches?  I
>>>> think this issue would, regardless of how you truncated the table.  There
>>>> are various options, I'm just trying to get a feel for your use can and
>>>> thoughts.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> mrg
>>>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Musall, Maik <m...@selbstdenker.ag>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have a lookup table with >400k rows that I want to periodically refill
>>>>> from external sources. Since it also contains precomputed values that
>>> are
>>>>> not part of the external source, my plan is to read the external data
>>> and
>>>>> batch-insert it all into the table.
>>>>> How can I truncate the entire table to prepare it for new inserts? The
>>>>> only thing that comes to mind is raw SQL, but that would obviously leave
>>>>> stale data in Cayenne's various caches.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Maik

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