Thanks lots for responding. The application, or at least this part of the application, is a classic, plain old Java desktop application. I've used JNDI in the past with Tomcat as you say, and in ancient times I used raw JNDI and MySQL with a desktop application like the one I working on now. However, using JNDI here without a container like Tomcat would be non-trivial to implement, and I really want trivial. Raw JNDI gives me a migraine, and I don't think it's the right solution here. I just like so much that I can code a few lines, use the Cayenne Modeler to re-engineer my database, and I'm good to go -- except for the XML file, of course.

So yes, if you could guide me toward a different solution that would be wonderful.

If you're curious about the application, you can find it (in a very raw state, I'm in the process of moving things up to GitHub) at A1iciaCayenne <> is the module that happily feeds MySQL data objects to the rest of the application; it's packaged as a quasi-standalone JAR file, which is one of the reasons I don't want to add a lot of overhead to that part of the application. It also contains the XML file with the test database user name and password in it; I got tired of X'ing it out for each commit so I'll just change it later. :)

Thank you again,

Mark Hull

On 12/18/2017 06:51 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
Hi Mark,

What type of application are you developing?  For web applications, which
I'd imagine are the most common cases, using a JNDI DataSource is the way
to go.  Your container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc) will provide database
connection services to Cayenne through a JNDI lookup.  If you aren't
developing a web application, we can guide you toward a different solution.



On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Mark Hull <> wrote:

I apologize if this question has been asked and answered before but: What
is the best-practices solution to redact the database user name and
password from an XML file created and used by Cayenne Modeler? The
ServerRuntime build statement is simply:

cayenneRuntime = ServerRuntime.builder()

It works just fine as long as the db user name and password are in the XML
file, but I don't believe in leaving clear-text artifacts like that laying
around in the code, so I want to add the user and password data at runtime
from a Java method (not from an external file or an 'executable', whatever
that means in the content of PasswordEncoding). Adding .user("xyz") and
.password("zyx") to the build statement don't work, presumably because the
DataNode is not the default and those statements just set their respective
fields for the default DataNode.

If I have to, I can create either a Module to change those properties
somehow at runtime (though the documentation for doing so is, to be kind,
sparse), somehow implement the PasswordEncoding (even less documentation,
because I don't know where it's used), or just edit the XML at runtime
(horrible choice but looking like the best of a bad lot at this point).

All this seems like a lot of effort when I imagine this need must crop up
fairly often among Cayenne users (it should, for security reasons IMO). Is
there a simple standard way to do what I want? Or at least a standard way?
I don't want to invent a new wheel here. I feel like I'm missing something
obvious that everyone else knows about and that I just missed. Oh, by the
way, whatever the solution is should still allow Cayenne Modeler to
function normally.

I promise I searched for the answer everywhere I could think of.
StackOverflow had a couple answers that used deprecated methods and didn't
work when I tried them.

Thanks in advance for any help. I hope there's a really simple answer so I
feel stupid but don't have to spend any more time on this than I have
already. :)

- Mark Hull

/People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. - A. A.

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