(sending this back to user@)

Actually we detect context mismatch and throw inside the setter:


So my idea was to use 'localObject' instead. And I agree with the rest of your 


> On Dec 20, 2016, at 2:55 AM, Aristedes Maniatis <a...@maniatis.org> wrote:
> If a context had some sort of explicit read-only flag, then this new 
> behaviour starts to make sense. That is:
> - objectA in read-only context
> - edit objectB in new read-write context and join to objectA
> From what I remember, Cayenne doesn't throw an exception when you create the 
> join, only when you try to commit. What if we throw an exception at time of 
> join, which you could then catch and fix by copying objectA? Or if you are in 
> setAutomaticContextBridging(true) mode, then Cayenne catches the exception 
> and fixes it itself.
> Is that the idea you had in mind?
> I think though, if we don't have an explicit 'read-only' mode for contexts, 
> then the level of foot shooting this would enable might be quite spectacular.
> Ari
> On 19/12/16 11:06pm, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> Yes, exactly. When your "editing" contexts are narrowly scoped, you have to 
>> transfer objects all the time.
>> And now I am also dealing with an issue of framework support (Tapestry 
>> specifically). A master object on an editor page lives in a page-scoped 
>> context. Master's to-one relationships are modified via a dropdown 
>> (<t:select value="mainObject.rel"/>). So setters are called by Tapestry, and 
>> related objects are deserialized with Tapestry ValueEncoder, ending up in a 
>> shared context. I have a working solution outside Cayenne (tracking my 
>> page-scoped context via a service, and making it accessible to the 
>> ValueEncoder). But hoped I could do it directly somehow.
>> Andrus
>>> On Dec 19, 2016, at 2:55 PM, Aristedes Maniatis <a...@maniatis.org> wrote:
>>> On 19/12/16 10:00pm, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>>> a.setB(b);                 // equivalent to a.setB(c1.localObject(b))
>>>>                    // i.e. we are attaching a different copy of B now.
>>>> b.setProp("newValue");     // we may not realize that we are changing the 
>>>> wrong copy... 
>>>> c1.commitChanges();        // "b" changes are not committed. oops...
>>> And this gets even messier if the related object is new and not yet 
>>> persisted at all. And if there are constraints.
>>> I'm trying to imagine what sort of app hits these types of issues. Is this 
>>> typically where there is one big read-only context and then a user might 
>>> modify some of those records, so they are copied into a local read-write 
>>> context for that user?
>>> Ari
>>> -- 
>>> -------------------------->
>>> Aristedes Maniatis
>>> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A
> -- 
> -------------------------->
> Aristedes Maniatis
> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

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